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Working with email users

As in the regular version of Venta4Net, the server end of Venta4Net Plus can interact with users who have the client end of the program installed (client end users). Besides, the server end of the Plus version can receive tasks from users by email (email users). Installation of the client end on a user’s computer is not necessary in this case. The user only needs an email program installed (for instance, Windows Mail or Outlook Express). The Venta4Net Plus server can work with client end users and email users at the same time.

The way email users interact with the program is somewhat different from the way it’s used by regular client end users. This is caused by the fact that a lot of document files being converted into facsimile messages need to be opened in associated applications and then be sent to the VENTAFAX virtual printer. In a number of cases, however, conversion takes place without sending the document to a virtual printer.

Users of the client end have a virtual printer installed locally, so the conversion process takes place in front of them and they can visually control it in real time. Email users don’t have the client end and don’t have a virtual printer. Therefore, document files send to the fax by email users are converted using a virtual printer installed on the server end of Venta4Net Plus, and the conversion process cannot be visually controlled. An email user will receive diagnostic messages from the Venta4Net Plus server, including file conversion error notifications, by email.

A Venta4Net Plus license covers a certain number of users comprised of regular and email users. You are free to specify the number of users of both types, but their combined total should not exceed the number of users allowed by the license. The trial version only supports up to 3 users.

Interaction of email users with the Venta4Net Plus server

The Venta4Net Plus server includes an SMTP server that receives emails from email users. Further in this text, we will call it an incoming mail server. The system configuration process is described in detail on the “System deployment recommendations” page. Let’s take a look at a situation where a system has a special subdomain (e.g and the email subsystem is configured to forward all messages sent to mailboxes in this subdomain to the Venta4Net Plus SMTP server and be processed by it.

When the server receives a message, it validates the sender’s address first. If the sender is not on the list of authorized users, no further actions will be taken. The sender will receive a delivery failure report as if he/she sent a message to a non-existing address.

After that, the program checks whether the domain name specified in the server settings matches that in the recipient’s address.

The server then checks if the extension of the attached file is on the list of allowed formats. If it is, all the attachments will be extracted from the message for further processing. If it’s not, the sender will receive an error notification for each of the incorrect files.

Once done, the system checks the validity of the specified recipient’s phone number. If an incorrect phone number has been provided, the user will receive an error notification.

If the message passes all the checks, a new task will be created in the schedule and the user will receive a corresponding email notification. Depending on the program settings, a message can have a file attached – the result of converting an attached file into the facsimile format, as it was scheduled.

An attached file is added to the schedule directly if it doesn’t require conversion. Such files include facsimile files (TIF or PDF extensions, created in VentaFax or Venta4Net), sound files (WAV and MIX), text files (TXT extension), if the program is configured to use these files as sound messages in the TTS mode, and remote control script files (VFA). If an attached file requires conversion, the program will launch an associated application for sending the document to the virtual VENTAFAX printer. In some cases, it will not be necessary, as the program can convert some file types on its own. Depending on the program settings, if there are several attached files, the program will either create a single task with a multipage fax message or a corresponding number of tasks – one per file.

Once the program has successfully sent a message, the user receives a corresponding notification. If the program fails to do it, the user will also be notified.

Let’s take a look at a small example.

Let’s assume that you need to fax a document called report.docx to a phone number, e.g 123-4567. To do that, create a new message in any email client. Enter as the recipient’s address. The domain is specified in the SMTP settings of your incoming mail server.

Note. The number may consist of specific characters only: digits ("0" - "9"), delimiters ("-", "."), additional service characters ("+", "*", "#", "P", "T", "W", "A", "B", "C", "D") and round brackets ("(", ")"). If other characters are found in the number, the message will be processed and the sender will get an error notification.

Attach Report.docx to the message. The message subject and body text may be arbitrary (or blank).

When the Venta4Net Plus SMTP server receives such a message, it will extract the attached file and launch the application associated with this file type, in the print mode. In our case, this will be MS Word. As the result, the document will be sent to the VENTAFAX virtual printer that will convert it into a facsimile format. Once done, the program will create a new task in the schedule with the specified recipient number (123-4567). Besides, it will generate and send a message to the address of the email user who submitted the task. If specified in the program settings, the message will contain the prepared fax message file in the facsimile format.

If the user attached a file that does not require conversion (for instance, a TIF file), a file that the program can convert on its own, a voice message or a script, no external applications are launched.

The server has a special address reserved for testing purposes: If you send a message to it, you will soon receive a prepared facsimile file, but no task will be scheduled.

When the task is successfully completed (or failed), the email user will get a corresponding notification to his/her email address.

Sending a message to several recipients

If you need to send the same message to several recipients, you can specify several numbers separated by a comma. Example:,

Some aspects of using the server as a workplace

The Venta4Net server PC can be used as a workplace. This type of use applies to the Venta4Net Plus server in a much lesser degree. Unlike the Venta4Net server, it converts files of email users. During this process, the user sees the windows of the application(s) associated with the file(s) being converted. As a rule, these windows close after printing is completed and don’t disturb the user. However, there are exceptions – for instance, the main window of Adobe Reader remains on the screen even after printing is over.

Limitations on using Venta4Net Plus as a Windows service

In addition to the limitations described in the help manual section called "Using Venta4Net when Venta4Net Engine is set as Windows service", you should know the following about Venta4Net Plus.

To convert file attachments into the facsimile format, the program launches applications associated with corresponding file types. These applications then print the documents using the VENTAFAX virtual printer. This process imposes certain limitations on the program start options. One of the conditions for correct operation in the service mode is that the executable module (link) must be started under a specific user’s account, but not under the default Local System account. This user must have permissions to start corresponding associated applications.

Configuring incoming and outgoing email settings
Authorization of email users
System deployment recommendations


October 29 2018
Version 3.10 released with with various stability and compatibility fixes.
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November 2 2016
Version 3.8 released with speech recognition support and T.38 fax protocol improvements.
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December 22 2015
Version 3.7 released with improved compatibility with Windows 10.
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September 11 2015
Version 3.6 released with a possibility to generate scheduled delivery queue from comma-separated text files (*.CSV).
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December 17 2014
Version 3.4 released with Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11 support for text-to-speech conversion.
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October 15 2014
Venta4Net 3.3 released. In this version you can see thumbnails of incoming faxes directly in the client end main application.
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January 23 2014
Venta4Net 3.2 with cloud services support has been released.
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September 12 2013
Venta4Net 3.1 released.
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August 15 2012
Venta4Net 3.0 with Internet telephony (VoIP) support has been released.
More >>

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